Sure, flowers and chocolate are always safe bets on Valentine’s Day, but this year, we suggest you instead surprise your special someone with a thoughtfully personalized memento that will outlive those flowers by decades.
The following customized - and very cool - gift ideas come to you from our talented framing team! Check them out, in no particular order:
Frame Your Favorite Photo
There’s never a better time to make use of all those great photos you take as a couple but never frame or display — we’re all guilty of it.
Framing your favorite photo can be the perfect gift, but don’t opt for a flimsy off-the-shelf picture frame; instead, choose a quality moulding and mat board that perfectly complement your photo and will last far beyond your next milestone.

Using a hand crafted, and personally designed frame will not only help preserve your photographs for years, it will show that you care about the small details and your memories together.
Give a Framed Photo or Canvas Print of Your Pet
Those adorable, funny photos of your fur babies make great gifts. Besides, they are members of the family too — loved and cared for just like our own children, so why not surprise your special someone with a framed photo of your beloved pet.

Our skilled framing team can help you select complementary mouldings and mats to make your pet photo of any size truly special. We can also professionally stretch your photo onto canvas for a simplified and more contemporary look.
Map Your Love
Why not frame a historical map of the place where your love story first began, or of a favorite vacation spot the two of you love visiting now?
Just about any locale in which you've created special memories can be a source of connection and joy.

Give your bedroom or office a little addition to remind your Valentine each day how meaningful those shared memories are. And if you’re really lucky, the visual memento might inspire another romantic getaway or trip down memory lane!
Bring your keepsake in and our talented framing team will assist you in selecting custom options that will tailor your gift to your own decor!
Frame a Favorite Collectible
Really surprise them with an incredible gift! Show your love that you really do care about those special (silly) keepsakes or collections they seem to covet.

Perhaps frame a vinyl record of their favorite band, or one that commemorates your first concert together. How about a sports jersey with their favorite player’s number on it - major bonus points if you can find one that’s autographed! Or is there a particular artist whose works they love, or a favorite comic book they collected as a kid?
Whether it's a record, jersey, comic book or anything new to add to a collection, framing it will protect it and showcase it as a valued treasure they will cherish -and show off- for always!
Our framing team specializes in creating stunning memory box plexiglass encasements that show off tangible collectibles in their most stunning light.
Frame a Love Letter

In today’s age of digital everything, handwritten love letters are a thing to be treasured, indeed. And we can’t think of many things quite as romantic.
For couples who still exchange them, particularly those who at one time did so as part of a long distance relationship, they can be a cherished and meaningful gift.
If you have a collection of love letters (or if you don’t — there’s no better time to write one), pick your favorite and have it custom framed at Creative Muse.
And may we suggest something that will score you even more creative points - perhaps use your love letter as the background - or even the mat board - and encapsulate a favorite photograph in the centre!
If you’d rather not damage your letter, make a high-quality photocopy, or rewrite the letter. You could also purchase a mat board and rewrite your letter directly on that before our framing team assembles everything together for you.

Create a Framed Clothesline Collage
A ‘clothesline’ hung within a decorative picture frame can be used interchangeably to show off an endless array of your special photos. It makes a unique and very romantic home décor item that is truly ‘yours’.
Creative Muse sells a huge variety of ready made frames in different sizes, materials, colours and textures in our Pandosy St., Kelowna store. And always at 60% off the retail price!
Once you have your empty frame, you’ll also need sturdy string or twine, a number of small binder clips, and we suggest wooden or cardstock letters of your initials. Most of these items can be found at your local dollar or craft supply store.
Attach three lengths of string horizontally across the frame. From the top string, clip your initials as well as an ampersand or plus sign. On the lower two strings, attach a few of your current favorite pics. The photos can be changed up at any time — making this a personalized gift that can evolve with
Leave Them Puzzled
Have a favorite photo made into a jigsaw puzzle. There are several websites and stores that offer personalized photo puzzles, such as London Drugs and
If a photo puzzle isn’t your thing, Creative Muse sells an assortment of beautiful jigsaw puzzles that feature the graphic artwork of our very own resident artist, Carole Holmes. Choose from six different vivid, colourful patterned images and tackle the assembly with your sweetie!

Frame a Romantic Scrapbook Collage
Gather an assortment of mementos from a special event, trip, activity, or milestone you experienced as a couple. Some suggestions include photos, ticket stubs, boarding passes, event flyers, dried flowers, notes to each other, newspaper clippings…you get the idea!

Add decorative embellishments to your heart’s content (no pun intended). Bring your masterpiece to Creative Muse where our creative framing team will help you select the perfect finishing touches and custom frame it exactly how you wish!
Whether you are creating a Valentine’s Day gift for your most special someone, or simply looking to enhance your space with wall art of any kind, Creative Muse is your one stop full service shop for all things custom framing and canvas. We sell artwork too!
Visit the framing counter located at the back of our store, today!